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An Untitled Poem

shudder new round pigeons on dance of
a magician & against stepping is give into cliffs language
the clauses butterfly the frozen eye
your eye your wind & a marble
it flames in given frozen clauses with round green of poetry
abstract of stepping you of castaway warmth
a terrace & infecting mass claw your clockwork flame
in ill-advised shudders new & time & dashing up against
abstract frequencies are attempts frozen in & possibly
cinema cascading derangement but bicycle & marble freeze
stage turning distraction emboldened
swept the ill-advised when the opal stepping sees carefully
electric terrace shock ink forgettable
all tooth & claw
your season is in & tables shuts the magician’s time
& has precious & possibly for magic & a sword
but on & on with blue decided cliffs
the forgotten & nevermind its snapped butterfly
i’ve got it mass stepping knife
but easily

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